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Debts are financial obligations that individuals, businesses, or governments owe to creditors or lenders. They represent borrowed funds that must be repaid, typically with interest, over a specified period. Debts can take various forms, including loans, credit card balances, mortgages, bonds, or unpaid bills. They play a crucial role in the modern economy, enabling people and organizations to access capital for various purposes, such as purchasing homes, expanding businesses, or funding public projects.

While debts can be beneficial by facilitating economic growth and personal development, they also carry inherent risks. Failure to manage debts responsibly can lead to financial hardship, damaged credit scores, and even bankruptcy. Effective debt management involves budgeting, making regular payments, and prioritizing high-interest debts.

Debts can be categorized as either secured (backed by collateral like a home or car) or unsecured (based solely on the borrower's creditworthiness). The level of debt one carries should be carefully monitored to maintain financial stability and ensure a secure future.